Includes BASIC WL with line-level details and EN 16931 compliance.
This profile includes BASIC WL with some details at line level. It is a subset of EN 16931, which contains all mandatory fields including those on which business rules from the EN 16931 may apply. It is a compliant CIUS (Core Invoice Usage Specification), which means that all business rules of the EN 16931 apply.
Setup the Profile
Extends BASIC WL
Invoice Line
A group of business terms providing information on individual Invoice lines.
Grouping of general position information
Invoice line note
A textual note that gives unstructured information that is relevant to the Invoice line.
Item information
A group of business terms providing information about the goods and services invoiced.
Item standard identifier
An item identifier based on a registered scheme.
CHORUSPRO: this field is limited to 40 characters
BR-64: The Item standard identifier (BT-157) shall have a Scheme identifier
Item standard identifier
An item identifier based on a registered scheme.
CHORUSPRO: this field is limited to 40 characters
BR-64: The Item standard identifier (BT-157) shall have a Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the Item standard identifier
The identification scheme shall be identified from the entries of the list published by the ISO/IEC 6523 maintenance agency.
Item name
A name for an item.
Price details
A group of business terms providing information about the price applied for the goods and services invoiced on the Invoice line.
Detailed information on the gross price of the item
string | number
Item gross price
The unit price, exclusive of VAT, before subtracting Item price discount.
The Item gross price MUST NOT be negative
BR-28: The Item gross price (BT-148) shall NOT be negative.
Item price base quantity
The number of item units to which the price applies.
Optional, if filled and if BT-148 is present (EN16931 and EXTENDED profiles), then it should be the same value than BT-149-1
string | number
Item price base quantity
The number of item units to which the price applies.
Optional, if filled and if BT-148 is present (EN16931 and EXTENDED profiles), then it should be the same value than BT-149-1
Item price base quantity unit of measure code
The unit of measure that applies to the Item price base quantity.
The Item price base quantity unit of measure shall be the same as the Invoiced quantity unit of measure (BT-130).
In particular, the most common units of measurement are:
- LTR = litre (1 dm3)
- MTQ = cubic meter
- KGM = kilogram
- MTR = meter
- C62 = unit
- TNE = ton
BT-130, BT-150 and BT-150-1 must be equal if stated.
Price-related discounts
Detailed information on discounts and charges
string | number
Item price discount
The total discount subtracted from the Item gross price to calculate the Item net price.
Only applies if the discount is provided per unit and if it is not included in the Item gross price.
Detailed information on the net price of the item
The net price includes all surchages and discounts, except for VAT.
string | number
Item net price
The price of an item, exclusive of VAT, after subtracting item price discount.
The Item net price has to be equal with the Item gross price less the Item price discount.
The Item net price MUST NOT be negative
BR-26: Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall contain the Item net price (BT-146).
BR-27: The Item net price (BT-146) shall NOT be negative.
Item price base quantity
The number of item units to which the price applies.
Optional, if filled and if BT-148 is present (EN16931 and EXTENDED profiles), then it should be the same value than BT-149-1
string | number
Item price base quantity
The number of item units to which the price applies.
Optional, if filled and if BT-148 is present (EN16931 and EXTENDED profiles), then it should be the same value than BT-149-1
Item price base quantity unit of measure code
The unit of measure that applies to the Item price base quantity.
The Item price base quantity unit of measure shall be the same as the Invoiced quantity unit of measure (BT-130).
In particular, the most common units of measurement are:
- LTR = litre (1 dm3)
- MTQ = cubic meter
- KGM = kilogram
- MTR = meter
- C62 = unit
- TNE = ton
BT-130, BT-150 and BT-150-1 must be equal if stated.
Grouping of delivery details on line level
Invoiced quantity
The quantity of items (goods or services) that is charged in the Invoice line.
CHORUS PRO: Invoiced quantity is supported on 10 digits maximum.
BR-22: Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall have an Invoiced quantity (BT-129).
string | number
Invoiced quantity
The quantity of items (goods or services) that is charged in the Invoice line.
CHORUS PRO: Invoiced quantity is supported on 10 digits maximum.
BR-22: Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall have an Invoiced quantity (BT-129).
Invoiced quantity unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the invoiced quantity.
The unit of measure shall be chosen from the lists in UN/ECE Recommendation N°. 20 “Codes for Units of Measure Used in International Trade” [7] and UN/ECE Recommendation N° 21 “Codes for Passengers, Types of Cargo, Packages and Packaging Materials (with Complementary Codes for Package Names)” [19] applying the method described in UN/ECE Rec N° 20 Intro 2.a). Note that in most cases it is not needed for Buyers and Sellers to implement these lists fully in their software. Sellers need only to support the units needed for their goods and services; Buyers only need to verify that the units used in the Invoice are equal to the units used in other documents (such as Contract, Catalogue, Order and Despatch advice).
In particular, the most common units of measurement are:
- LTR = litre (1 dm3)
- MTQ = cubic meter
- KGM = kilogram
- MTR = meter
- C62 = unit
- TNE = ton
BR-23: An Invoice line (BG-25) shall have an Invoiced quantity unit of measure code (BT-130).
Grouping of billing information at line level
Line VAT Information
A group of business terms providing information about the VAT applicable for the goods and services invoiced on the Invoice line.
Invoiced item VAT category code, Content
The VAT category code for the invoiced item.
For more information on the recommended codes, please refer to subclause - Specification of VAT category codes.
Invoiced item VAT category code
The VAT category code for the invoiced item.
The following entries of UNTDID 5305 [6] are used (further clarification between brackets):
- Standard rate (Liable for VAT in a standard way)
- Zero rated goods (Liable for VAT with a percentage rate of zero)
- Exempt from tax (VAT/IGIC/IPSI)
- VAT Reverse Charge (Reverse charge VAT/IGIC/IPSI rules apply)
- VAT exempt for intra community supply of goods (VAT/IGIC/IPSI not levied due to Intra-community supply rules)
- Free export item, tax not charged (VAT/IGIC/IPSI not levied due to export outside of the EU)
- Services outside scope of tax (Sale is not subject to VAT/IGIC/IPSI)
- Canary Islands General Indirect Tax (Liable for IGIC tax)
- Liable for IPSI (Ceuta/Melilla tax)
The VAT category codes are as follows:
- S = Standard VAT rate
- Z = Zero rated goods
- E = VAT exempt
- AE = Reverse charge
- K = Intra-Community supply (specific reverse charge)
- G = Exempt VAT for Export outside EU
- O = Outside VAT scope
- L = Canary Islands
- M = Ceuta and Mellila
BR-CO-4: Each Invoice line (BG-25) shall be categorized with an Invoiced item VAT category code (BT-151).
string | number
Invoiced item VAT rate
The VAT rate, represented as percentage that applies to the invoiced item.
The value to enter is the percentage. For example, for 20%, it must be given as 20 (and not 0.2)
Invoice Line Period
A group of business terms providing information about the Invoice period relevant for the Invoice line.
Is also called Invoice line delivery period.
Start of the invoice line billing period
Invoice line period start date
The date when the Invoice period for this Invoice line starts.
This date must be less than or equal to the end date of the period (BT-135), if it exists
BR-CO-20: If Invoice line period (BG-26) is used, the Invoice line period start date (BT-134) or the Invoice line period end date (BT-135) shall be filled, or both.
End of the invoice line billing period
Invoice line period end date
The date when the Invoice period for this Invoice line ends.
The date is the last day of the period.
This date must be greater than or equal to the period start date (BT-134), if it exists
BR-30: If both Invoice line period start date (BT-134) and Invoice line period end date (BT-135) are given then the Invoice line period end date (BT-135) shall be later or equal to the Invoice line period start date (BT-134).
BR-CO-20: If Invoice line period (BG-26) is used, the Invoice line period start date (BT-134) or the Invoice line period end date (BT-135) shall be filled, or both.
Invoice Line Allowances
A group of business terms providing information about allowances applicable to the individual Invoice line.
Invoice line allowancess are subject to the same VAT rate as the line they relate to. If invoice line allowances are subject to a different VAT rate, they must be treated as standalone (negative) invoice lines
string | number
Invoice line allowance amount
The amount of an allowance, without VAT.
Invoice line allowance reason code
The reason for the Invoice line allowance, expressed as a code.
Use entries of the UNTDID 5189 code list [6]. The Invoice line level allowance reason code and the Invoice line level allowance reason shall indicate the same allowance reason.
In particular, the following codes and reasons can be used:
- AA = Advertising discount
- ABL = Packing supplement
- ADR = Other services
- ADT = Removal
- FC = transportation costs
- FI = Financial expenses
- LA = Labeling
Invoice line allowance reason
The reason for the Invoice line allowance, expressed as text.
Invoice Line Charges
A group of business terms providing information about charges and taxes other than VAT applicable to the individual Invoice line.
All charges and taxes are assumed to be liable to the same VAT rate as the Invoice line.
Invoice line charges are subject to the same VAT rate as that of the line to which they relate. If invoice line charges are subject to a different VAT rate, they must be treated as stand-alone invoice lines.
string | number
Invoice line charge amount
The amount of a charge, without VAT.
Invoice line charge reason code
The reason for the Invoice line charge, expressed as a code.
Use entries of the UNTDID 7161 code list [6]. The Invoice line charge reason code and the Invoice line charge reason shall indicate the same charge reason.
In particular, the following codes and reasons can be used:
- AA = Advertising discount
- ABL = Packing supplement
- ADR = Other services
- ADT = Removal
- FC = transportation costs
- FI = Financial expenses
- LA = Labeling
BR-44: Each Invoice line charge (BG-28) shall have an Invoice line charge reason (BT-144) or an Invoice line charge reason code (BT-145).
BR-CO-8: Invoice line charge reason code (BT-145) and Invoice line charge reason (BT144) shall indicate the same type of charge reason.
BR-CO-24: Each Invoice line charge (BG-28) shall contain an Invoice line charge reason (BT-144) or an Invoice line charge reason code (BT-145), or both.
Invoice line charge reason
The reason for the Invoice line charge, expressed as text.
Detailed information about item totals
string | number
Invoice line net amount
The total amount of the Invoice line.
The amount is “net” without VAT, i.e. inclusive of line level allowances and charges as well as other relevant taxes.